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Wednesday, 3 August 2011

EMOP Dublin

My first festival as a "sponsored" player did not go as I had planed it out in my head, however it was a great success for the Entraction network and the organisers getting over 300 players for the 1k main event.

I decided to play day 1a and got a decent table draw with the only person I knew being Fergal Nealon who was 2 seats to my right which is the right place to have him!! He got off to a great start and made a big call against a player sitting between us with a house when there was 4 cards to a straight flush out. Roll on 20 minutes and I'm facing the same player with a decision for my tournament life and he is giving off all the same signals as he was when he tried to bluff Fergal. I call his shove with KK and he shows 10J on a 10 7 3 flop. J on the turn and its out the door for me.

I returned on Saturday for the €300 & Sunday for a sat to Barcelona EMOP and the only bit of luck I had was swapping well with the same Fergal as he won a package after we had swapped 25%.

I don't think I can make the next one in Barcelona but I'll be doing my best to play the final (still not announced) and hopefully play the full schedule next year.

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